This is an article written by Ed Verhaegan published in Laverdad, an Alicante newspaper, in 2010. Sadly 14 years on the situation hasn't changed and currently there are protests about municipal perreras being handed over to a private company which has a bad reputation for its treatment of dogs from the day they arrive.
'The waste of Spanish society
Valencia, FEDENVA wants to change the law on stray animals, adaptation of the law implies that the collection and housing of stray and abandoned animals by private commercial hands, to earn this money. This means mass slaughter of stray animals in which starved will come to an end because the only purpose of these commercial companies make money. It will be the animals provided with minimal care and they will want to get rid of the cheapest possible way of animals. Valencia-The Federation for Animal Valencia (FEDENVA) wants the collection and care of stray and abandoned animals to be managed by non-profit organizations and not "by commercial companies whose goal is to make money."
In a statement, the Federation recalls being treated, that a change in the law 4/94 means, which is "legalized" on December 15 in Les Corts, a proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture that left private companies (stray) animals are allowed to catch and slaughter. 's view of animal protection organizations, this amendment, which is ready to be added to the 2010 budget will be a catastrophe for the protection of animals.
FEDENVA has called on December 12, the International Day for Rights of Animals, keeping "to defend. lives of those living beings who are abandoned each year and slain in perreras," a demonstration Moreover, they argue that the Ministry of Agriculture knows "that many people do not want to stray animals operated by commercial companies whose goal is to make money, and reportedly giving priority to the economic interests above ethical considerations and not to promote adoptions.
"We believe that the capture and care of abandoned animals should not be released because soon the only point of awards to those companies, the lowest price will be, "said the Federation. should be taken with other aspects that promotes the development of the protection of animals, and not to enable these companies account . Fighting for animal life implies finding a home, sterilizing, keep it in the right circumstances, adequate care provision and not kill unless absolutely necessary.
FEDENVA expressed the need for the Regional Ministry of delivered 96,031 signatures Valencia citizens "who do not want animals to be slain in perreras, as it's not happening in other European countries." Therefore, it requests the Government to manage and capture of stray animals is carried out by non-profit organizations, because the life of an abandoned animal cannot be subjected to purely economic considerations only.
FEDENVA president, Esther Esquembre, said animal protection organizations "should be given to the management of the municipal shelters through agreement priority" because they promote adoptions of animals, fighting for ensure an animal's life, their welfare and educational projects and the development of volunteering. They think, this is far from the intentions of private enterprises and pseudo animal protection where in many cases the systematic slaughter of dogs and cats is to put profit first. This compared to the keeping, care, adoption, and promote the adoption of animals, which will cost much more money. The result will be massacres. "Stray animals are not the waste of society and change is needed to address the problem that the show generates, down to" Esquembre said, pointing out that in the region of Valencia "Over 50,000 dogs and cats left behind."
According to the president of FEDENVA, what needs changing is "the introduction of a policy for the reduction in the number of births, effective awareness campaigns in the media, the identification and prosecution of offenders." The current methods used by many municipalities shows that they "do not care to solve this problem, but ensures that year after year, innocent animals are slain to enrich the people who do this with money from its citizens."