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i have given Jolina the contact details for 3 animal lawyers in England, one of them in Manchester. There is a video of the adopter with Kholi on a short lead wearing the electric collar standing in front of half a dozen Canada geese. Does that not amount to animal cruelty?!


On 29th June last I published a post on e-collars - the strong argument for them being banned.

Liz Barrows

So sorry to hear this. We have adopted a Podenco mix and love him dearly. He has needed a lot of management, but we enjoy treat training with him and he is a very happy boy. He loves mixing with other dogs and is far better off lead than on lead. We didn’t know about Podencos before we had him, but we’re so glad he is in our family now. Hearing about Podencos being treated poorly in Spain is awful, but coming to the UK and being treated like this is unthinkable. 😔

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