From Galgos Rescue Almeria
Last Wednesday evening, a Podenco was brought to the vet in extremely worrying condition. At first it was thought she was the victim of a collision. After further examination, her injuries appear to have been caused rather by severe abuse, kicked and beaten before she was hit.
Her condition was critical, she lost a lot of blood, not only at the fracture of her hind leg. Her body also showed numerous minor and major injuries. In A&E, blood came out of her nose and mouth, it was anxious to see how it was going to evolve.
Although she hasn’t microchip, (what a surprise!) the important thing is that she’s safe and will get the necessary care and treatment to recover. We have given this beautiful girl the name Tracy.
Thursday morning we went to visit her, her condition has now stabilised. Eating is also going much better and she is trying to take some steps. According to the vet, she is ready to come to our shelter where she can recover from her nasty adventure.
This week she will go to the traumatologist for X-rays of the fracture. When she is sufficiently strengthened, the surgery on her hind leg can be done.
Please help with these vet fees, and you can support our dogs for 1€ a month by joining our teaming group.