Bev Farmer of Podenco Friends posted this on her facebook page Podenco Friends on lst May
Today we honour the Podenco a breed that is so noble and proud and given the opportunity a wonderful companion. The reality for Podencos is Spain many are subjected to a very harsh life undervalued and not afforded the respect they are owed.
A life locked away in darken buildings underground caves and bunkers often chained to the wall. A plastic bucket filled with rancid green water to drink. No soft bed to sleep on and never a full belly, these dogs are expected to run until their lungs burst and they do, for their master. The reward for their loyalty, once no longer able to do their job because they have become old, sick or injured, they are abandoned in their thousands every year.
Many try to survive on the streets seek sanctuary in the countryside where they starve to death or get hit by cars. Others are handed in to perreras, where the chances of them being adopted are slim.
I adopted my first Podenco (Tilly) in 2003 she was discovered in a dumpster under the rubbish an adult dog with a broken front leg. She didnt jump in there herself she couldnt, but was thrown in there and left to die. Fast forward 18 years the abandonment continues and every year it's over-whelming the pleas for help for Podencos in need. For every one we save there will be hundreds out there needing saving.
But today is also a day to give thanks to everyone around the world that has embraced what is so wonderful about the podencos. We don’t see working dogs we see loving companions that are our family, that bring so much joy into our lives. Make us laugh and smile who are much smarter than us, have such a zest for life they are truly special.
I give thanks to everyone that has adopted fostered, donated. shared their stories, to the homecheckers, volunteers, the vets and everyone that has touched the lives of these precious souls.
We cannot stop the abandonment but we can make a difference; we already have for hundreds of them, please share their story let the world know.
Be the voice for the Great Forgotten!!!!