This is a post from my facebook page from a lady appealing for help to publicise a serious case of cruelty to podencos.
'I am sending this message to all animal organizations.
I'm going to expose a situation of helplessness and injustice here, because I don't know where to go.
In an area outskirts of Valencia, there is a hunter who has about 20 dogs in harsh conditions, without hygiene, between corpses, it only gives them sunlight when he takes them out to hunt, tied up with a half meter chain, one of them right now She has the paw broken with a wound of about 50 centimeters that will end up getting infected.
He has been reported, but he has the protection and the support of the area police because they are also hunters, so the complaints are left on wet paper.
He is committing a felony of abuse.
I swear if he reports me for entering his private property to get evidence (photos, videos), he should be a hair fall for violating animal welfare laws. From where I am you can hear the cries of the dogs day and night.
If you could send me a cable to spread the message, I would appreciate it. Let's see if we can get those dogs out of that hell.
Pvt0s Mi€rda hunters.