From Noa Palacios
'Beautiful, great, sociable with animals and people, balanced, loving, noble. That's right Nile, this stunning 6-and-a-half-year-old and medium-sized podnquito that urgently NEEDS to find a family to adopt him.
It's not fair that he's been behind bars for more than half a lifetime, being such an adorable puppy and so easy to carry. No, it's not fair!, that's why we ask you to share his photo, because it's time for him to become VISIBLE and for a good heart to fall in love with his beautiful look that says it all.
Want to know more about this wonderful podenquito?: tele Spain 0034 638.475.167, but please! share it, we can all find a family.
Who has had a podenco, doesn't understand life without them.'