It is so sad that even after posting about Balu last year, he is STILL waiting for his forever home.
Ann Marie Payne of Ann's Canine Care says, 'Balu was brought to me by Mª Jose Guerrero Herrera who found him on the streets of Campillos where I live in Southern Spain. He has been with me now for over a year, and not one person has expressed any interest in him. It's such a shame because he's so loving, and with a great personality. Good on the lead and, enjoys the company of other dogs, both male and female. Not sure about cats though.
So far Balu has had over 600 shares on facebook and I thank you for every one of them, but now with a new album I'm asking, please share him again. Maybe somebody may see him this time and fall in love with him.
Please like the page (if you are on facebook) because we really do need to reach more people, and a share makes all the difference.
If you can spare a little to help me with his keep, this is the PayPal address [email protected].
Let's together find Balu his own home and family. Luv Ann and Balu
This is Balu's story
A poem for Balu
The prognosis of a home for me is not very good
Just one of many abandoned in my neighbourhood
I'm not the prettiest and my coat don't shine
But I long for somebody just to be mine.
Out in the rain, the cold and the frost
I'm all but given up, my cause is lost
I see no future, and my past was bad
But living with a hunter was all that I had
All he fed me was mouldy old bread
And that was on a good day, well enough said!
You see there's too many like me, abandoned to our fate
Disgarded like rubbish at an alarming rate
I'm luckier than most, I'm alive and I'm free,
Because most of my friends are beaten, then hung from a tree
There seems to be no end to this, it happens every year
We're the unseen dogs of Spain, the forgotten who live in fear
So if you see my photo, I'm a podenco named Balu
I don't want to be a hunting dog, I'd rather be with you.
I dream of the day when I can say I no longer have to roam
When life could be good, and I'd be happy living in a home
But for now I'm in a kennel, and I'm taking up a space
But I dream of all my tomorrows, and living at your place.
Please don't forsake me, I'm a podenco called Balu
Show a little kindness, and let me come to you.
Ann Payne
Balu is ready for adoption. Please give him a chance. Balu has been with me now for many months.
Please help by supporting his care
PayPal address [email protected]
Thank you