Please vote and share widely.
survey about bullfighting. Underneath is also a survey about hunting. If you would like to see hunting banned please click the YES circle and click underneath where it says VOTE.
Its important as at the moment votes to keep hunting far outweigh votes to ban it.
Please vote and share
UK Support For The Anti Bullfighting Movement M.A.L - UK
VOTE: Please vote YES! So far those in favour of keeping bullfighting (No to banning) are winning!!!
***Click the Yes circle then click underneath where is says vote.
***There is another vote further down the page to ban hunting if you would also like to vote on that.
Yesterday we reported in these same pages about the request of the leader of Podemos , the communist Pablo Iglesias, to submit to popular votes, whether at the local, regional or national level, the prohibition of bullfights and other bullfighting parties.
I have a very clear opinion, and you can already imagine it, as an amateur I am against the prohibition of bullfights and other bullfighting celebrations. But I am also against as a lover of freedom, because these people of Podemos today want to end the bulls, but tomorrow, following their own ideological positions, they could try to end the zarzuela, with the paintings of Goya or Velázquez or with any other artistic manifestation - or of another type - that you do not like.
But we would like to know the opinion of the readers and friends of El Diestro, and we will launch today's question in our survey:
Would you ban bullfighting? So far those in favour of keeping it (No) are in the lead!!!
Thanks to Plataforma para la Abolición de la Tauromaquia en España please support their dacebook page.
I believe that the Spanish attitude to animals is the sickest in the world , to find pleasure in treating any living creature like the Spanish is way beyond the understanding of any civilised person .
The authorities are a disgrace the E U is a disgrace and the church is a disgrace for failing to stop these atrocities ,ALL are hypocrites to the supposed human race.
To condemn ISIS for their atrocities and condone the Spanish for their atrocities is hypocritical.
Posted by: Alan Theyer | 04 October 2018 at 09:16 PM
Agree, Alan, but it sickens me too the atrocities in the Far East like China and Korea, and Thailand with the pangoes. I will never understand how any human being can get pleasure from inflicting pain. And the people who support the Spanish fiestas which involve animal ,torture are just as bad as the sadistic torturers themselves...and that includes Brits who go on holiday and pay to watch the torture!
Posted by: Beryl Brennan | 05 October 2018 at 08:27 AM