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Alan Theyer

I believe that the Spanish attitude to animals is the sickest in the world , to find pleasure in treating any living creature like the Spanish is way beyond the understanding of any civilised person .
The authorities are a disgrace the E U is a disgrace and the church is a disgrace for failing to stop these atrocities ,ALL are hypocrites to the supposed human race.
To condemn ISIS for their atrocities and condone the Spanish for their atrocities is hypocritical.

Beryl Brennan

Agree, Alan, but it sickens me too the atrocities in the Far East like China and Korea, and Thailand with the pangoes. I will never understand how any human being can get pleasure from inflicting pain. And the people who support the Spanish fiestas which involve animal ,torture are just as bad as the sadistic torturers themselves...and that includes Brits who go on holiday and pay to watch the torture!

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