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Mary Croft

What brave souls...my prayers are with Emmi and her rescuers.


Oh my God, poor girl. She is so beautiful, look at her lovely face. This is the third 'horror' I have read about today regarding the terrible abuse of dogs.

I hope you don't mind me putting this in a post about podencos but if you all could sign 'justice for Baby the bull dog' petition. A poor dog abused by evil scum in Redcar (UK), had to be PTS. Worst case of abuse the RSPCA has ever seen (the sickos videoed it), scum were banned from owning animals for life.

Please because Baby couldn't be saved, can this poor Pod girl make it. I am thinking of you beautiful Pod girl and I am so despairing of these monsters who think it's acceptable, funny, their right to torture and kill innocent animals.

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