Regular readers will know what an amazing couple Bev Farmer and Warren Beards of Podenco Friends, Murcia, Spain are in respect of their work with rescuing podencos, in the Murcia area of Spain. In my book 'From Heaven to Hell - The Story of the Podenco, Bev has written a chapter on Training a Podenco. With her rescue podencos, she works on recall and leaves the rest of the training to the adoptants. There are now several podencos in the UK in training for agility competitions and Bev is thrilled to report that there is a Podenco taking part in an Agility Team in Crufts Dog Show in March 2016.
So here's a video to introduce you to one of the stars of the team, Zarita. Get yourself comfy and sit back and enjoy the Ultimate Agility Podenco! Watch out, you Border Collies!