When I was with Bev and Warren of Podenco Friends last September 2013, although I loved all the podencos, Carina won a special place in my heart. I really wanted to bring her home to me forever, but with 4 galgos and a very bossy little podenca, I really couldn't afford to take on another dog - vet fees, feed, tick treatment ...you know how it goes, especially on small pensions.
so let me introduce you to the absolutely adorable Carina, a beautiful video. There must be someone who has a place in their home and heart for this gorgeous podenca. Contact Bev if you can help Carina.
me too beryl money and the room my house small oh I do hope she isn't waiting much longer must be someone out there for her bless
Posted by: jenny | 30 September 2014 at 06:01 PM
Totally gorgeous, wish I could have more!
Posted by: Kathryn | 03 October 2014 at 09:17 AM