Welcome to Podenco Post fundraising shop. Proceeds from the sale of items will be used to donate to appeals for help for vet fees for sick and injured podencos.
Prices are reasonable as I collect direct from the printer. Herewith prices, please copy and paste your order and email to me [email protected]
If ordering more than one, postage prices will vary.
A stunning design by Marcella Sally Wyatt Birnbaum. Colours available black or white, round neck only, very good quality cotton.
S - 48-50 cm chest size
M - 50-52 cm
L - 52-54 cm
XL 58-60 cm
Price - white t-shirt - 17,50 euros each (15,00 each for orders 6 & over)
black t-shirt - 20,00 euros each (17.00 each for orders 6 & over)
P&P Europe - 7,00 euros
P&P Rest of World - 9,00 euros
Allow 2 weeks from receipt of order to delivery to you.
There are two types of Podenco Post foam backed mouse pads with text, one with text featuring Podencos Need You and another with two Podencos walking together.
Price: 12.50 euros each
P&P - Europe 4,65 euros
Rest of World 6,25 euros
I can also obtain small or large orders of the following - with or without the Podenco Post website address - email me if you are interested [email protected]
side window sun shades at 10 euros/pair plus P&P
bandanas at 4 euros/each plus P&P
baseball caps at 8 euros/each plus P&P
Copy & Paste Order Form to send via Email
T-shirts white
S - quantity
M - quantity
L - quantity
T-shirts black
S - quantity
M - quantity
L - quantity
Podencos Need You - quantity
Two Podencos - quantity
Delivery address:
i will be ordering next later next week a great way to promote these beutiful dogs
Posted by: jenny | 22 May 2014 at 02:21 PM
the sketch of the two podencos together would make a brilliant t-shirt - I would buy one.
Posted by: fiona | 11 June 2014 at 10:16 PM