Welcome to Podenco Post. This blog will be run on similar lines to Galgo News, only this time the Podencos come first!
They too suffer inexplicable cruelty at the hands of the hunters, especially on the Spanish Islands, the Balearics and the Canary Islands. And their main hope of a forever life outside the shelters and refuges on these islands is to be adopted on mainland Europe.
I hope that this weblog will inform and educate, as well as linking together and publicising the various rescue associations and shelters, and the volunteers who give up so much of their time to rescuing and caring for these adorable dogs.
Send me any of your stories, news, links to articles/reports in the media about the podenco. And please read all the way to the first stories posted, as Craig and I have been preparing Podenco Post for a few weeks now.
people will soon get into this beryl no worrys about that
Posted by: jenny | 28 March 2011 at 06:24 PM
Thanks as always for your support for the galgos and podencos, you are a real treasure.
Posted by: Beryl Brennan | 28 March 2011 at 06:45 PM
It has shocked me that not many people really know about the plight of the podencos. Do you think it is worthwhile that the tv companies are contacted and a documentary made to make more people aware. As the countries where the podencos live rely on tourism, it might give them a wake up call.
Posted by: Amanda Richardson | 04 July 2011 at 01:12 PM
The hardest thing is to get someone interested. We've tried a British undercover journalist to see if he would expose the dark side of the galgo's life in Spain, without success. Last year I was contacted by a British film maker who wanted to make a film about the galgos, after hearing men hanging some. I gave him contacts and have continued to email him to see if the film is progressing, but he doesn't bother to reply. If you have any contacts, then pass them on, I'm very willing to run letter-writing campaigns to try and persuade someone to do it. The positive side is YouTube - at least people can post videos on there to publicise the problem to the world. Any publicity you can give will be helpful - get everyone you know reading Podenco Post.
Posted by: Beryl | 05 July 2011 at 10:00 AM
We have an Ibizan Hound who we adopted at 9 weeks old after his mother was abandoned. Everyone thought we were mad as they seem to have a bad reputation for some reason - he was, admittedly, crazy as a puppy. But now he is the most loving, gentle, adored dog in town. Everyone knows him and he is so wonderful- especially with children, I am completely besotted . As everyone loves him why don't more people adopt them?. Kind, gentle, loving, funny, handsome - there are not enough words to describe these wonderful dogs.
Posted by: Megan | 27 August 2011 at 04:06 PM
I have 4 Ibizan hounds,they are wonderful dogs,so loving and gentle.When I got my 1st one,people told me I was crazy,they were untrainable.They are not crazy,just very energetic,needing a lot of exercise.They are very intelligent and learn quickly,but you cannot treat them harshly or they will become very nervous.They are wonderful with children and become absolutely devoted to their owners.These beautiful dogs deserve so much in life than the cruelty and pain they suffer at the hands of the hunters.It makes me weep to know that there are so many that never know a kind word or a gentle hand in their short and brutal lives.
Posted by: eileen locatelli | 02 October 2011 at 10:14 PM
where is the shelter in Fuengirola? I am there often, have a network of people there and would like to help. My family have lived there for 30 years and did much work for PADS, but never heard of you.
Posted by: alison | 14 December 2011 at 02:52 PM
The only information I have is about the PADS shelter. Podenco Post isn't a shelter, it's a weblog which publicises as much as possible, information from the Spanish mainland and Spanish Islands about the podencos and the cruelty etc they suffer, and to try and help raise their profile and inform people what marvellous pets they make. Myself, I live in France. Hope this clears things up for you.
Posted by: Beryl | 15 December 2011 at 09:55 AM
A newbie to podencos, I have just adopted a little girl from Ontinyent, Valencia.
She arrives her in the UK on the 26th to my farm here in Devon. It has been an interesting process. The rescue in Spain is privately run by a small group of Spanish ladies, who all work full time, but are horrified by the treatment meted out to these beautiful, unique dogs and so help a few. But there are so many! The breed is virtually unknown here in the UK, and I will be launching a website linked to their site in Spain, to promote and hopefully rehome a few dogs down here in the South West. With the quarantine rules relaxed as of January 2012, into the UK, it is much easier and far less expensive to transport and adopt dogs from abroad. I will send pictures of 'Beatriz' in her new home, and a link to the new website when it launches in June! Great newsletter by the way...
Posted by: Ellie | 15 May 2012 at 12:37 PM
Dear Ellie, how is Beatriz doing in her new home?? I hope you can help the Ontinyent Rescue and find good homes for their dogs. I am not sure howmany dogs they have, but if you ever can rehome more, please think of APASA in Javea (also Valencia). APASA has almost 250 dogs, of which 70!! podencos. We are looking for organisations to work with in the UK, but have no succeeded in finding the right partner(s) yet.
Thanks and good luck!!
Posted by: APASA | 12 June 2012 at 08:20 PM
Hi Beryl, I am Helen Ellis from ADANA in Estepona. We have many Podencos in our shelter who are looking for loving homes. Do you advertise dogs on here or could you put a link to our website to help us promote our dogs? We have Facebook and Twitter too if it is better/easier to link through those sites? Look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by: Helen Ellis | 14 June 2012 at 03:12 PM
I have some lovely pictures I took recently of a Portuguese Potenco a lady had adopted in Amsterdam while on holiday. What a fantastic looking dog with a kind temperament. I have never seen one here in Canada and wonder how dog friendly there are since I hope to keep two dogs next time. I say next time because my dear Smooth Fox Terrier turns 16 today. He was returned to the breeder twice before I took him when he was 2 1/2. And he's the 2nd SFT I have owned. Can you please give me some more information on their temperment and activity level? My dog had the energy of 5 dogs when he was younger and is an independent hunter in the backyard here. He is brilliant and communicates well. I trained my last one to the utility level with hand signals. He was also a clever hunter who caught snakes and rats outside.
Posted by: Vita Lucas | 19 November 2012 at 05:42 PM
There are several different types of podenco. You will find a list on Podenco Post homepage, where you can read about each of them. All podencos are very active dogs, some are failed hunters, but they do require a couple of good walks every day. Have a read of the latest post on Training a Podenco, read the rehoming stories. These will all give you a good idea about these fabulous hounds.
Posted by: Beryl | 19 November 2012 at 09:00 PM